The Mental Health Coach | Coping Skills, Boundaries, Grief, Trauma, Marriage Counseling

Neuroscience-Backed Wellness Support for Parents *Top 10% Globally Ranked Podcast* Are you tired of feeling alone on your journey of being a parent and having to juggle so much between work, family, and managing all of the things? Is it hard to remember a time when you felt happiness and joy because you are constantly overwhelmed by life’s demands? Do you long for a deeper connection with your partner, kids, or friends, and wish you had a supportive community to help you navigate this challenging season of life? I am so glad you are here! This podcast will provide you with real life stories, neuroscience-backed strategies, and practical skills to help you feel less alone on your journey toward greater joy, authenticity, and improved mental and relational well-being. Hi, I’m Jen Alley. I’m a wife, a mom, a Licensed Professional Counselor, and a coffee fanatic. Just like you, I am trying to figure it all out as I navigate this one messy and beautiful life I have been given. I know that even good lives come with challenges including parenting struggles, trying to stay close to your partner in the grind of life, trauma, grief, addiction, relationship difficulties, and aging parents just to name a few. I have been guilty of trying to get through the hard times alone and presenting a polished exterior while struggling on the inside. Over the years, I’ve learned that perfectionism is isolating, that we are meant to be in community, and that vulnerability can be connecting and healing. I’ve also learned that having strategic systems in place can help reduce overwhelm and allow us to reconnect with ourselves and the people who matter most to us. I’m excited to be your mental health coach. I will share therapeutic concepts, brain science, and real life stories with you to help you better understand yourself and to improve the relationships that matter most to you. If you are ready for actionable strategies, tools, and skills to feel more present and less stressed… Authentic stories that help you feel less alone in your journey… And research, therapeutic concepts, and neuroscience made accessible to help you navigate your struggles and relationships with more ease… Throw on your tennis shoes for a walk or grab your own cup of coffee and let’s get started! PS. This podcast is not therapy, but it is a great adjunct to therapy. Life is hard. Let’s do it together!

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Wednesday May 22, 2024

I was excited to guest on Joy Johnson's podcast, The Journey to Becoming. Joy is using her platform to spotlight mental health this month for Mental Health Awareness Month after experiencing heartbreaking mental health trauma in her own family. 
Part 2 will be aired next Wednesday. 
You can find Joy Johnson on Instagram.
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Wednesday May 15, 2024

In light of Mental Health Awareness Month, this episode explores the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorder, anxiety. We will talk about the different anxiety disorders, symptoms, causes, and treatment options. We will also talk about something you need to know about your anxiety AND something you can do to help it! 
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Wednesday May 08, 2024

It is Mental Health Awareness Month and this episode explores what mental health is, how to identify if you or someone you know (including your child) might be struggling, ways to support your mental health, and next steps if you or a loved one needs support. 
Feelings List
Brené Brown Empathy Short
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Wednesday May 01, 2024

Our lives are short and precious, but with the many tasks and demands of adulting (and parenting), it is easy to just push through the days in order to relax (and often numb out) in the evening. If you find yourself going through the motions but not feeling as joyful, present, or excited about life as you'd like to be, this episode offers strategies for helping you identify what you want life to look and feel like and how to make it happen. 
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Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

If trauma has changed you, there is nothing wrong with you and you’re not doing it wrong. Trauma has an ongoing impact on how we think, how we perceive our world, and how we survive our present. This week on the podcast, we are talking about ten things I learned about trauma both from being a student at Columbine High School during the shooting and from my practice as a trauma therapist. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the shooting.  It is my hope to share some of the insights from my own experience with you to support your own journey through trauma. 
The Body Keeps the Score
Next steps:Visit me at www.jenalley.comFollow me on Instagram @jen.alley.therapistReview this episode!
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Thursday Apr 18, 2024

We all go through tough times. When we are having a hard time, it is easy to want to numb out, withdraw, or ruminate. This episode provides strategies to help you navigate the difficult or uncertain seasons of life. 
Next steps:Visit me at www.jenalley.comFollow me on Instagram @jen.alley.therapistReview this episode!Thanks for listening!
Episode 6: Emotions: What They Are, Why They Matter, and How to Navigate Them

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

In a world that values productivity and checking things off of the to do list, it can feel like we don't have time to rest. Studies show, though, that we don't have time NOT to rest.
Rest (while we are awake) can take many forms, but the main idea is that we move from an external focused state where we are DOING to an inward state where we are BEING. Whether it is active rest or more passive rest like sitting on the couch meditating, it is vital for brain health as well as boosting creativity, problem solving, and energy that we take breaks to rest.
If rest feels weird or unsafe for you, it may take practice getting used to not actively doing something or taking in information from a screen to distract you from your internal world. You also may need support from an experiential therapist to help move rest from feeling less okay to more okay.
Please also listen to Episode 6 which explores emotions as well as Episode 4 on self-compassion for more information.
You also might check out this Ted Talk and article on the seven types of rest that every person needs.
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Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

In this episode, we explore the pathway to connection and leaning into vulnerability in order to feel less alone and more fulfilled in our relationships.
Nearly 60% of the US adult population reports feeling lonely on a regular basis. Loneliness may be a huge public health threat regarding the impact it has on our minds and bodies.
In thinking about the causes of loneliness, I think that America’s value of rugged individualism in addition to social media, technology, and busyness are all contributing factors. We often don’t have time or make time for connection and when we do, it is shallow.
It takes spending both quality and quantity time with people to really build relationship, to trust, and to know the ins and outs of one another’s lives. For those of us who were in college pre-iPhone, think back to your days at university. If you had a core group of friends, you likely spent tons of time studying, making food, exercising, and just hanging out with one another. This led to closeness and deep connection.
While adulthood already presents challenges to this type of relationship because of increasing responsibilities and less dedicated time, I think the iPhone, streaming services like Netflix, and technology at large has made us even more distant and less connected to our neighbors and community members. Social media also paints idyllic pictures of the avatar that people want to present to the world- a polished version of oneself. Consequently, we are often comparing our insides to others’ outsides and are even less likely to be open and vulnerable with others. And, without quality time and trust, it is even less likely that we will be vulnerable in the relationships that we do have.
I believe that one of the anecdotes to this is being more real and honest about the things that are happening in our lives and who we are. It takes courage to be vulnerable or to be the first person to say, “I am struggling.” Or, “This hard thing is happening.” But when it is met with compassion and connection, we feel less alone, more connected, happier, and healthier.
Today’s episode on A Mental Health Podcast, Between the Two of Us, explores the power of vulnerability in our relationships. It can be found on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Brené Brown's Ted Talk, The Power of Vulnerability

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

The "window of tolerance" is a concept commonly used in psychology and mental health to describe an optimal state of arousal where a person is best able to manage stressors and emotions effectively. It's essentially a zone where you feel safe, regulated, and capable of dealing with whatever life throws your way.
Our window fluctuates based on many factors and se all move outside of our window of tolerance at times. Certain emotions or situations may cause you to repeatedly move outside of your window. Techniques like mindfulness, grounding exercises, and therapy can help you widen your window of tolerance and develop resilience in the face of adversity.
Window of Tolerance Image and Description (NICABM)

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

If you lived to be 78, the average age of death, how many years do you have left? That might sound morbid, but I think there is something powerful about helping us to prioritize and be intentional with our lives and relationships when we are reminded of its brevity.
Many of the things that we want for our lives require us stepping outside of our comfort zone. Most things that are worth doing and having (from a good relationship to scaling a mountain to finally owning that dream lake house) come through intention, hard work, and some discomfort.
What is important to you? As Mary Oliver surmises, “Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one and precious life?”
If you want help identifying what is important to you and how to be more intentional, here is a free resource for you!

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